Another New Project

I'm incorrigible. I look at my WIP's and I want some of them to be finished, but I'd rather go start on a new project or dream about a new block design.

So, for my friend Tina's birthday, I decided to break out my Anna Maria Horner Good Folks and Kona white and start making some word blocks. I'm not completely clear with where this quilt is heading--more words? crazy sampler? paper pieced pictorial blocks? either way, these blocks fit her style and I look forward to what ideas come next.

name block

name block 2


  1. Love them! Carmen from april's retreat just had her baby on Friday! We made her a quilt and I pieced an "E" for Emma. Felt good to be using those skills! Having another retreat at the inn in November with Amanda if you wanna come!!

  2. These are FUN! I've been trying to find time to make words, but haven't taken the plunge yet.

    I'm in the same WIP boat. At least I know I've got some good company! :)

  3. Love these! I need to try words next.:)

  4. Ooh! Words and fiber! I love your letters, and the colors on a white background. Your move toward text makes me think of the most recent tapestries my friend Sarah is weaving; if you go to and click on "Slow Literature," the top row of photos shows the story she's writing with wool.

  5. you are incorrigible.
    but completely and amazingly talented!!


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