Her name is Bessie and she belongs to a twelve year old girl in 4H named Steph. Steph adores Bessie and wanted her pen at the fair to look extra nice. Bessie adores Steph right back and seems to smile at her.
The pattern comes from Sandi at Piecemeal Quilts. The link to the pattern is here. I changed a lot of the lines of the pattern to work for me and my style of piecing.
I hope Bessie fits into your quilt, Meg. This theme was extra fun to sew for.
Woman you just really are so darn good! This so totally flows!Cute, cute, cute!!
I love the flowery print for the lighter parts of the cow, such cute eyes too
I'm in love with Bessie!
Oooo, the eyes, that little peachy mouth, the sweet background...she's a honey!
Who could have thought a cow block could be so cute?
Adorable! Your fabric choices are inspired!
Inspiring work! A fantastic choice of fabric too!
I adore this block!
Oooh, though I've never been a big fan of cows, I want to stroke Bessie's muzzle (um...do cows even have muzzles?)and feed her a handful of tender spring grass. How you could make a cow look soulful and sweet with about 45 pieces of fabric, I do not know, but I like it!
love love love this.
you somehow managed to give bessie a sweet old cow soul. i know it's there, i can see it in her eyes.
Great block! Love these fabrics.
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