I was hoping to post this a couple of days ago, but it turns out that I'm not very tech savvy. Thank goodness I finally pulled it together. Here is the link for the pdf file for the free pattern and some instructions.
I have a couple of pictures that I took along the way that I'll post here. If you do make a patchwork Death Star please please please post a link for me to see. If you are on IG, please tag it #patchworkdeathstar. Thanks! I can't wait to see different versions. I originally dreamed of this all in tiny Libery florals. Wouldn't that be cool?
Well anyway, here is a shot of a few of my pieces after glue basting.

And here is a picture of the top half pieced and sitting on top of my first drawing of it.

The final pattern will make an 11x12" block. The perimeter fabric can easily be made larger by extending the paper pattern. The Death Star itself could be made bigger by bringing the pdf printouts to a copy store and enlarging them.
May the force be with you.
omg, how awesome are you?
thank you sooo much for making this pattern available! i have 3 huge star wars fans at home and this is just perfect :)
This is so cool! thank you for taking the time to put it together :D
I literally yelled No Way so loud that my husband said what's wrong...then I showed him the photo and he started laughing... This rocks!
Thank you. Thank goodness I have a whole year til the hub's bday.
You're giving this away for free?! You're awesome. My other half will love this xxc
Seriously amazing! I'm so glad you made a quick pattern up, just need to find the most perfect fabric for it now as I have have have to make this :)
For free?! I was totally prepared to shell out $$ for this. Thank you!
hooray for spreading quilty nerdiness across the galaxy!!
You are absolutely amazing. Thank you for sharing your quilting nerdiness!
This is beyond cool. I can't wait to make this! Thanks a bunch for the pattern!
I just finished mine!!! Thank you Melinda! Here it is: http://emmalinebags.blogspot.ca/2014/04/hand-pieced-patchwork-death-star-pillow.html
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I love this!!!!! Thanks for sharing your great work with the rest of us! Found you through Janelle @ emmaline bags. Thanks again!
Brilliant! It'll make a perfect companion to the Millenium Falcon quilt I'm about to start.
Thanks for sharing. My grandsons will love it!
This is so neat!!
Here's my finished mini quilt: http://www.quiltsofafeather.com/2014/05/patchwork-deathstar-mini-quilt.html Thank you so much for the pattern!
Wow, this is awesome! I definitely need to learn to do patchwork now! ^___^
This is really awesome. Thank you so very much for sharing and for making the pattern available. My husband's birthday is in June and I think this will make a perfect gift for him. I do almost all of my EPP projects with Liberty lawns so I think I will dip into the stack of grey Liberty charms that I recently found online for this one.
Adorkable! I can't wait to try it. Thanks for the pattern. I'm honestly not sure how I got to your blog (probably flikr) but now I'm following it via email so I don't miss any more neat stuff.
Love this pattern but I can't seem to get the link to work.
I have the perfect fabric in my stash for this!
Thanks for your pattern! I'm not at all a "SW addict" (I've never seen the movie!) but i lke the design... you could see it on my blog http://feefils.canalblog.com/archives/2014/05/13/29863588.html
Made mine for husband's 10th anniversary present. https://www.flickr.com/photos/littlelixie/14187962554/ So grateful to you for the pattern! May your thread never tangle x
I bow at your feet...
I just finished my DeathStar. It is my first try at EPP. I looked on you tube for how to do it. Mine turned out kind of wonky. I'm going to try another one. It was so much fun, I was dreaming about it in my sleep.HA! Wish you had a little tute with some good hints....but I'll just keep practicing. Thanks for the pattern.
Thanks so much...learned a new skill and will make grand son very happy!
This was my first time doing EPP and I had such fun! I took your lovely pattern to kinkos and had it blown up to baby quilt size. For the death star itself I used only star wars related fabric and for the background space/planets. Most of the fabric and the thread used to quilt it are glow in the dark.
I don't have a instagram account or flicker account but for those that want to see, I can email a picture to you.
Just to repeat what others have said!!! OMG You are awesome! Love how your brain works and the fact that you were willing to share with us is beyond awesome! Thank you!!!
This is so awesome!
wow! thanks!
I just made the death star for my grandson. I wanted it to be a wall hanging, so I enlarged it to make the star about 12". Thanks so much for sharing your awesome pattern. You can see my version my blog at http://somanywips.blogspot.com
thank you for sharing! Great pattern. You have made so many people happy with this! CS
This is soooo cool.... your awesome. I can't wait to try this with all my scrap fabric!!!
I found this because my friend made foryoubyjennifersue just made one. I going to make it for my daughter's birthday in September. She's going to just die when she gets it as she is a huge Star Wars fan. Then I'm going to make one for myself! Thank you so much for sharing your creativity!
Awesome thank you for sharing.
My first two pieces. A and B and I'm already failing. I am stumped how to sew that curve in the middle and get the pieces to lay flat. Just does not make sense. Anyone able to help? Thank you! If all else fails I'll just have a circle that's not pieced.
This is mine great fun to make https://flic.kr/p/HEWFXz
Thanks for the pattern/ tutorial
If an 11yo were to enlarge this (a lot!) and applique it instead, then enter it in a Jr Beta Quilting Competition, would that be ok? Pattern credits would be listed on the quilt label and it would not ever be sold. If not, we totally understand. I wanted to ask permission first.
Hi Amy Gay. You are set up as a no-reply commenter so I can't reply to your comment by email. I hope you come back to check the comments here. Yes, yes, yes! I've been dying to see this pattern blown up huge! I'd love to see a picture when it's done. Good luck to the 11 year old in your life!
Akkkk!!! I am clueless about the Google thing so I am not surprised I did something wrong. You can email me at squeegeatc at aol dot com. I am also butterflyangelsquilting.com but it has been a while since I posted something quilty. Lofe and kids and all...! But my Kat will be sososo excited!! Thank you!!
The QuiltingForce definitely is with you...
thank you for the pattern/tutorial
Thank you for this awesome pattern - I know three little boys who would love to get one of these pillows.
Thank you for this pattern. I am making a This Droid is not for Sale quilt and plan to add this death star to it.
Thanks for sharing. I used your pattern for a pillow. Here is a link to my blog: http://filcoweszalenstwobykejtiss.blogspot.com/2016/09/poduszka-z-gwiazda-smierci-pillow-with.html
We have started on the quilt!! Pattern is enlarged to a 3' square! I am not sure why I am a NoReply, but my email is squeegeatc at aol dot com and my blog is butterflyangelsquilting.com. I will be posting her progress! We hope to get it mostly done over the break.
Hey there!
I am just about to try this - a bit... A lot bigger than you so wish me luck. I just started the fabric hunt.
Son of a friend got jealous of his sister - I made her a Frozen quilt for birthday. So now I am up for a Star Wars one.
As we don't use inches it's always a challenge for me to work with them. And it's veeery difficult to find glue for basting here. And I have actually never tried this paper piecing technique before. Ha yet another challenge.
I will send you a photo once it's done. Just tell me - where to? It allows me to leave a written comment only and I actually don't use any social network, just googlemail.
Thanks and have a nice Christmas time!
Hi there, as I am thinking about using glow-in-the-dark fabrics, could you send me a photo of your quilt? I cannot get any star wars fabrics here in Czech though. Sadly.
Hi Adéla Málková,
Your email address isn't on your public profile so I can't email a response directly. You can leave a link to your picture here. I don't put my email address on my blog.
I am going to attempt this for our first grandson's room! His Daddy is a massive Star Wars fanatic!!! Thanks for all your hard work. I really appreciate the free pattern!!
I love this! I may have to make this for my GenCon tote bag this year! I may have to make one for my son in law too. May the Fourth be with you!
WOW!!! Just found your pattern and it couldn't have come at a better time! I have a young great-nephew who's a BIG star Wars fan.I wanted to make a special quilt for him and THIS IS IT!!! Thank you!!
I am so amazed that you gave this to us. It's an amazing pattern. I have a niece and a nephew that will be thrilled, Christmas of 2018. ��
This is awesome! How dI'd you get the photo realistic images?
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