I sent this mini quilt off to a friend last week. It is a Patchwork Death Star.

The inspiration for it started when my friend, Blair, sent me this most fabulous embroidery hoop.

Perhaps, more accurately, it started much earlier when we started talking about how smooth Lando Calrissian is. Once it was determined that we were both Star Wars fans, the pins and tags just kept flying. She is super sweet and talented so she made me that hoop of awesomeness up above.
It is really, really hard to craft for awesome crafters. It took me a l-o-n-g time to decide what my theme would be. And then I was stuck on making the Death Star all in florals. It turns out that I didn't have enough small scale florals for my idea and getting the right value changes was going to be impossible. But I have gray fabric up the wazoo. Once I decided to do the pattern with English paper piecing things went pretty smoothly. Some advice from Melissa and Jessie helped, too.
I really didn't think that there would be many people who would want to make a Patchwork Death Star of their very own. But the requests for a pattern have been pretty insistent. I still need to finalize how to print the pattern out, but I hope to have it up tomorrow.
Have you ever shown your geeky side in your quilting?
Gah. Would totally love a tutorial. That. Is. Awesome. I am trying to gear up to some Dr. Who paperpiecing.
the death star is pretty awesome! nice work. and i love the embroidery piece your friend sent you. i love geeks and am happy to count myself among them. :) thank you for working on a pattern, because i know a number of friends i could make this for! i love crafty geeks!
Oh my word, I love these...
Thats No Moon! I need this pattern! :D
I just can't even...I love this so much!! Currently working on the Star Wars Alphabet cross stitch pattern and loving every little pixel person!
I love this! I have made two geeky quilts -- I made a baby quilt for a friend that said "Welcome to the world, baby boy" in morse code, and I made a helix quilt because it reminded me of DNA.
This is uh-mazing! That is a quilt my hubby could get behind.
you already know how much i love this block, but i'll say it again: this block is a-freakin-mazing!!!
This is amazing Melinda!!! Thanks for taking the time to share your pattern....so appreciated!!
i love this! I'm going to try and make one for my sister-in-law. I love the background fabric, it's perfect. Where did you find it?
Pwahaha! I totally snorted at that "quilters press to the dark side" hoop! And your death star is soooo cool! :)
I found your quilt inspiring. I've posted my version on my own blog, and given you a shoutout. If you're interested, check it out at creaturecomfortquilts.wordpress.com. Keep up the great work!
OMG!! I would love a pattern for this! I'm finishing up a Darth Vader quilt from a mini quilt to a full size quilt. I'm so glad I've stumbled upon your quilt on Pinterest.
Love it! That's a running joke in our family! Thumb Wars!
Need the pattern. Got a request for a future great grandbaby.
I WANT to do this for a 14 year old young boy, but I've NEVER done anything quite like this!! What size card stock did you use? And did you have to print onto several card stocks? (The amount of blocks needed that is?) I HOPE I can make this, but I don't have much confidence lol, how many blocks did you use? I have to make a twin size quilt, thanks in advance
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