I made the log cabin block above and wanted to change it immediately. It just doesn't shine. I like the balance of the design and the colors in the aqua and cerise version of courthouse steps a lot better.

I like this checkerboard okay... but I don't love it. The colors don't mix well and the background is boring. I do, however, love the yellow, pink and gray version below.

The red, yellow and gray in the ribbon star above always looked too creamy together and didn't sparkle the way some of my other FW blocks did. Then, I made the text and green version below, I am much happier. Green has been my favorite color for a long, long time and more of my green stash was begging to be included in this quilt.

I made the red and yellow star of hope block to challenge myself to use a color combination that doesn't speak to me very much. And...it still doesn't speak to me. But the typewriter fabric below? That just screams cute and it had to be in my finished quilt.

I don't think you can tell how bright the above version of hovering hawks is. I had to turn the color saturation down so far just so the picture didn't vibrate off of the computer screen. The shades of blue and orange in that block remind me of elementary school markers and I think the rest of my Farmers Wife quilt is a bit more subtle than that.
Plus, I found that stinkin' adorable bunny fabric below. Maybe putting adorable bunnies on a "hovering hawks" block isn't wise, but it sure looks cute from here.
Thanks for letting me jabber on about my Farmers Wife blocks again. I just have five blocks left!!!!