But, it was also the year of creative growth, too. I feel lucky to be among such talented company in the Cocorico, Pastiche, and Ringo Pie Bees. The monthly themes challenged me to my limits, but my sewing skills kept growing to match what I imagined for my design.
You'll notice that these mosaics are a little thin for bees that I've been in all year. I still owe 4 bee blocks for 2012. Luckily my bee-mates are patient with me.
This was also the year of the Farmer's Wife quilt. I wish I could say that I've finished it, but that is not the case. Maybe I can finish it by spring?
I did a little knitting this year. Most of it was very tiny, but I do have the one big shawl to warm me up.
I finished a couple of quilts to cuddle up in, but I did gave them all away except for one (my AMH voile quilt is covering my lap as I type this (bottom right).
And, lastly, there are some other sewn items that I'm proud of from the year.

2012 was supposed to be the year of the finish. I had nine items from 2011 that I wanted to complete. Unfortunately I only finished of those nine! So, I officially declare that 2013 will be the year of completion. All projects from 2011 will be done this year as well as some from 2012.
I mean it this time.
I'm grateful for this space to share my adventures in sewing. Occasionally I need a space where I am a mom but I'm a person, a designer and a sewist first. Thank you all for joining me over the last year.
Please, take a minute to tell me what you made this year that you are most proud of. Do you have any specific plans for 2013?